What do you say about St. Mark’s? How do you describe a place where you always feel welcomed, where you feel comfortable and accepted for who you are. Where there are no expectations of “how to act” or “how to dress” or “who can be there”. You want to wear shorts to church? Go for it! You want to wear a suit and tie? Fine with us. You want to come in your pajamas (some would say that is pushing it) — we are okay with it. You see we believe that it is not what you wear, or how you look that makes the difference at St. Mark’s. It’s that you want to be there, you want to be in the presence of our Lord Jesus Christ (and he is always there) and be with others who actually care about you. You having a problem that you need to share? That is acceptable at St. Mark’s and welcomed.
About Us
Learn about who we are

Who We Are
We know we are not perfect, only Christ is perfect. We know that we will mess up from time to time and that is okay with us. Because we place our trust and love in God to guide us, love us and be always with us. We believe what we say on Sunday and act it out during the week … being the best we can be for our Lord Jesus Christ.
Some have described St. Mark’s as; being full of joy, being comfortable, it’s instant family (quirks and all), warm and welcoming. It’s many things. We hope you will join us soon and be filled with the spirit of God.
Growing Our Church for God’s Work
Help grow St. Mark’s Episcopal Church. You can make donations or pledge payments from your checking account via PayPal or with any major credit or debit card.
Please note that the donation will be directed to The Diocese of West Missouri’s account but they will absorb all of the processing costs and forward your full donation to us.